Almost 70% of people who are diagnosed with allergic rhinitis feel that the condition limits their way of life. Reprogramming their immune system to improve its tolerance of specific allergens can help.
Avoidance is difficult
If you suffer from house dust mite allergy it can be hard to escape its symptoms. House dust mites are present everywhere: at work, at home, and particularly in the bedroom. Even going outdoors may not help as, once your airways become inflamed, the symptoms can continue no matter where you go.
Allergy sufferers point to three areas that are affected in particular
Allergic rhinitis impacts most areas of life, but the the most common impact is upon sleep, work and outdoor activities.
Considerable burden Although allergic rhinitis is frequently considered to be a trivial disease, surveys repeatedly show that its burden is considerable.
In one study of patients in Europe, two out of three felt that house dust mite allergy was a ‘major handicap’.
Sleep disturbance One of the most important issues is sleep disturbance and its impact on school and work performance.
And, while many people with rhinitis may still go to work or school, their performance is often impaired as breathing difficulties drain their mental and physical energy.
The main difference between symptomatic and immunotherapy treatment is that immunotherapy reprogrammes the immune system, induces tolerance to specific allergens and alters the course of the disease.