Sustainability | ALK

Sustainable business practices

Our approach to a healthy society and planet

Our approach to sustainability

ALK welcomes the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the accompanying European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). We believe that this EU directive and its standards will promote a more balanced, transparent, and consistent approach to sustainability disclosures, and we support them as they resonate with our commitment to delivering clear and dependable information to our stakeholders. Starting this year, ALK includes sustainability information in the annual report and the sustainability statement has undergone auditing and limited assurance processes.

Double materiality assessment

We acknowledge the various sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities associated with our business. As a key element of ALK’s CSRD reporting, we have conducted a double materiality assessment (DMA). This process consists in identifying the material topics for our company, and is two-fold:

  • we assess how environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues affect our financial performance (financial materiality) 
  • we analyse how ALK’s activities impact the environment and society (impact materiality).

The 2024 DMA identified nine material topics for ALK, which remain consistent with previous assessments, ensuring our ongoing focus on climate change and other environmental issues, our workforce and value chain workers, our consumers and end-users, and our business conduct.

Sustainability performance






Code of conduct training


For employees in commercial operations and medical affairs functions (2024)

1 2022 and 2023 figures are not covered by the Independent Auditor’s limited assurance report on the Sustainability Statement

2 Due to the lack of comprehensive data across all markets, directly measuring the number of patients treated with ALK products is not possible. Estimates are made using various data sources, an in-house Patient Model, and insurance claims data, but this involves assumptions that introduce uncertainty.

2024 Annual Report

Previous sustainability reports

2023 annual sustainability report
2022 annual sustainability report
2021 annual sustainability report
2020 annual sustainability report

Partnering for sustainability

The challenges of climate change require commitments and partnerships

We have limited time for action and the private sector has a crucial role to play – every sector in every market must transform. By supporting international initiatives and engaging in partnerships, ALK contributes to promoting sustainable business practices globally.

ALK Alertline
ALK's whistleblower hotline enables employees, business partners and other stakeholders to report any serious and sensitive concern in a confidential and anonymous manner.
Code of Conduct
ALK's Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour that we expect from all ALK employees when interacting with stakeholders.

Policy downloads

Diversity and inclusion
Anti corruption
Data ethics policy
Third party code of conduct
Tax policy
Whistleblowing policy
UK Modern Slavery Act statement 2024
Last updated: 26.02.2025