ALK Source Materials, A unique production approach, source-materials-overview-banner.jpg
Producing allergy immunotherapy products, Left
From pollens to finished products, RAW MATERIALS, LEARN MORE ABOUT ALK SOURCE MATERIALS FACILITIES, source-materials-overview-line1.jpg, GROW, COLLECTION, LEARN MORE ABOUT POLLEN COLLECTION, source-materials-overview-line2.jpg, HARVEST, MANUFACTURING STAN…,
ALK Allergen Extract Source Material Production, About ALK Extract Manufacturing
Matières de base d'ALK, Une stratégie de production unique, source-materials-overview-banner.jpg
Production des produits d'immunothérapie allergénique, Left
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Des pollens aux produits finis, MATIÈRES PREMIÈRES, EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR LES INSTALLATIONS DE MATIÈRES DE BASE D’ALK, source-materials-overview-line1.jpg, Grandir, RÉCOLTE, EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR LA RÉCOLTE DE POLLEN, source-materials-overview-line2.jpg, Récol…,
Production des matières premières des extraits d'allergènes d'ALK, About ALK Extract Manufacturing
Research pioneers, Shaping the future of allergy treatment since 1923, making-history-banner.jpg
ALK’s history dates back to 1923 when the first allergen extracts were produced at the pharmacy of the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet)
Pionniers de la recherche, Chef de file du traitement des allergies depuis 1923, making-history-banner.jpg
Les origines d'ALK remontent à 1923, alors que les premiers extraits d'allergènes étaient produits à la pharmacie de l'hôpital de l'Université de Cope
Owners, Our owners’ contribution to society, rails_0.jpg
A stable ownership structure, The Lundbeck Foundation (Lundbeckfonden) has a 40.3% interest (including A shares) and the Danish pension fund ATP has a 5.1% interest. Of the 30 larg
Examples of grants from Lundbeckfonden, 2013, 2014, 2015
Overview of the Lundbeck Foundation, ALK’s controlling shareholderThe Lundbeck Foundation is the largest and controlling shareholder of ALK, owning 67% of the votes (40% of the capital).D, Left, Read more about the Lundbeck Foundation
Allergy pioneers, Breaking new ground, pioneering-allergy-research-banner.jpeg
In the fight against allergy, science leads the way, and ALK has spent nearly a century pushing back the frontiers of knowledge with the aim of helpin
Investing in understanding and innovation, Treatment for four of the most common allergies, Read more about our pipeline, Evidenced-based treatment, Read more about our clinical trials, Ground-breaking clinical trials, Read more about how allergy immunoth…