We are grateful for so many gifts that we’ve received and so many good memories we’ve made this year. Unfortunately, not everybody is so lucky, that’s why we are grateful that we were able to support Szlachetna Paczka. December is well known as a month of sharing and giving so we did our best to chose a family which needed our help. This time we chose a married couple who takes care of a disabled son. A few years ago after a long treatment, their daughter passed away and left them with enormous pain and emptiness in their hearts. Nowadays as only one of the family members is working they can’t afford very basic everyday’s needs. Their story moved us so we decided to do our best to give them happy moments during Christmas time so we started to collect money which later we spent on groceries, cosmetics, detergents, and also gifts for the family. In addition to collecting money, we also made an office auction during which employees were buying items and services from other employees. Of course, the most popular item which everybody bid for was an additional day off given by our Director. There were also many other interesting offers such as homemade soups, individual session training, massages. In the end, we collected enough money to buy everything for the chosen family they needed.
We hope that our support gave them a bit of happiness and we are sure that we will support Szlachetna Paczka next year also because we know that it worth helping people whose life didn’t go in the direction they wished for.
Szlachetna paczka

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